If I dont use a new move every day I will probably forget it.
Twitter Bootstrap Tipsheet
“bundle exec rake assets:precompile” precompiles your stylesheet
D3.js Tipsheet
local host commands:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888 &
Once this is running, go to http://localhost:8888/.
Git Tipsheet
git add –all #this will respect deleted files. better than git add .
git commit -m “Fixes #1. OBE been_there global with use of raise. “. This will auto close github issue tracker Number 1. Commit message must include “Fixes #1”.
git branch branchname -d #this will delete branches that are no longer useful. do this after a successful merge to master branch.
git mergetool #run this after a git merge branchname when there are merge conflicts
git branch -v #view last commit for each branch
git branch –merged #show which branches are merged to current branch. Merged branches can usually be deleted.
git branch –no-merged #have not yet been merged. Attempt to delete will fail
Git Branching Remote Branches: for multi-user collaborations with a remote origin
git fetch origin #this synchronizes work between your git clone and most current merges to master on origin
Git Initial Remote Repository Setup
This site is built with Jekyll and lives on GitHub. Jekyll uses Markdown, a text to HTML conversion tool for web writers.
To start Jekyll on the localhost, “jekyll serve”. Even better, “jekyll serve –watch”
Markdown Basics
”===” under a line of text renders HTML “H1”
”—” under a line of test renders HTML “H2”
”>” makes block quotes. This list so far is block quotes.
”+”, “*”, and “-“ make unordered lists. They are interchangable.
“1.” makes an ordered list
Here is ordered list “2.”
The syntax to make a link is “[name of link]” immediately folled by “(https://url.com)”.
The tag to highlight a folder is “`”.
A horizontal rule is “—-“ on a single line.
Emphasis is done with one or two asteriks.
Image tags are like this: 5th Grade Basketball
Mac Tipsheet
three finger swipe toggles through all full screen applications.
Cmd / Tab / (Shift)
shell to open as finder folder “Open .” toggle through open applications.
Pry Tipsheet
Pry is a REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)
#commands in pry shell
show-method pry
#invoke pry from command line
ruby -r pry file.rb.
#insert into file.rb
#access to variables by typing variables
#advance to next binding
#when writing a script in the command line
edit #opens a browser (currently emacs)
#replay history
hist #use “u” and “d” and vi commands, search with “/“, advance “n"
hist —tail 10
hist —replay 216..224 #reruns the script
hist -n #use to view without numbers. useful for cut paste code
#play files and methods as inputs
load ‘file.rb’
play 5 #executes line 5 of program file.rb
play 5..7 #executes multiple lines
Rails Tipsheet
1. **generic scaffold command** rails generate scaffold Opportunity opportunity:text agency:string opp_type:string post_date:date response_date:date link:string comments:text like:integer
2. **generic migration command** rails generate migration add_values_to_opportunity type:string priority:integer
3. tail -f log/development.log #shows your rails logs in a console shell
4. has_many, through
rails generate model FaVpr functional_area_id:integer vpr_id:integer
models: fa_vpr.rb has_many :vprs, has_many :functional_areas
vpr.rb has_many :functional_areas, through: :fa_vpr
in the console, call by vpr_functional_area_ids
Rake Tips
1. rake db:reset #combo command means...rake db:drop and db:schema:load or rake db:migrate
2. rake db:rollback STEP=1 #goes back one migration. useful if you are maintaining tables via migration scripts.
Ruby Tipsheet
#if my_array is nil, create a new array
my_array ||= []
#Blocks, Procs, Lambdas
A block is code you can store in a variable like any other object and run on demand.
A block is like a method that is not associated with any object
*addition = lambda {|a, b| return a + b }*
++Scope++ is the context which its visible to the program.
from [Codeschool](http://www.codecademy.com/courses/ruby-beginner-en-MFiQ6/1/1?curriculum_id=5059f8619189a5000201fbcb).
# $global_var, @@class_var, @instance_var
classNow$place="Indiana"#global variable@@here={hello: "Hello, fishers"}#class variabledefwho(name,occupation)@name=name@occupation=occupationenddefcurrent_user@nameenddefself.display_here@@hereendmatt=Now.new("Matt","Lumberjack")putsmatt.name#call instance varputs$place#global, access directlyputsNow.display_here#class var belong to the class
++Namespacing++ is the act of keep methods and constants in named spaces.
++::++ This is a scope resolution operator. It states where you are looking for code.
++self++ refers to the current object.
Sublime Tipsheet