By Friday my browser is tabbed full of must know information. Time to purge.
1. Monkey Patch a Method and then Call it with Map via Block’s Symbol
Source: Rosetta Code
2. Super Short Syntex for If/Else Statement
Learned while browsing Rosetta Code
3. with an Argument and Block
Discovered at Engine Yard
4. Spaceship Operator
Evaluates value a and b. Returns -1 when a follows b, 0 when a == b, and 1 when b follows a
5. Know thy Self
Stumbled upon at jonathan-alban’s fizz_buzz. Explained at RubyLearning
At every point there is one and only one self
- the current or default object accessible to you in your program.
6. Blocks and Methods
You normally invoke a block by using the yield statement from a method that has the same name as that of the block.
7 An Abstraction Exercise
Understanding some Enumerable methods by implementing them in Ruby
8 Common Rails Mistakes
10 common rails mistakes: a best practice tutorial