March 20, 2014

Tips for Future Me

If I dont use a new move every day I will probably forget it.

Twitter Bootstrap Tipsheet

  1. “bundle exec rake assets:precompile” precompiles your stylesheet

D3.js Tipsheet

local host commands: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888 & Once this is running, go to http://localhost:8888/.

Git Tipsheet

  1. git add –all #this will respect deleted files. better than git add .
  2. git commit -m “Fixes #1. OBE been_there global with use of raise. “. This will auto close github issue tracker Number 1. Commit message must include “Fixes #1”.
  3. git branch branchname -d #this will delete branches that are no longer useful. do this after a successful merge to master branch.
  4. git mergetool #run this after a git merge branchname when there are merge conflicts
  5. git branch -v #view last commit for each branch
  6. git branch –merged #show which branches are merged to current branch. Merged branches can usually be deleted.
  7. git branch –no-merged #have not yet been merged. Attempt to delete will fail Git Branching Remote Branches: for multi-user collaborations with a remote origin
  8. git fetch origin #this synchronizes work between your git clone and most current merges to master on origin Git Initial Remote Repository Setup
  9. git remote add origin
  10. git push -u origin master “-u” remembers the parameters, nest time, just git push
  11. git pull origin master #pulls down latest.
  12. git diff HEAD #describes differenes pull vs. local
  13. git diff –staged describes how stage is new
  14. git reset name.txt #drops name.txt
  15. git branch clean_up
  16. git rm ‘*.txt’ #you can use wildcards to exclude entire filetypes from a git

Heroku Tipsheet categories: tipsheet

  1. heroku pg:reset DATABASE (on local host, rake db:drop)
  2. heroku run rails console
irb(main)> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each { t ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(t) }

Jeckyll, GitHub Pages, and Markdown

This site is built with Jekyll and lives on GitHub. Jekyll uses Markdown, a text to HTML conversion tool for web writers.

To start Jekyll on the localhost, “jekyll serve”. Even better, “jekyll serve –watch”

Markdown Basics

”===” under a line of text renders HTML “H1”

”—” under a line of test renders HTML “H2”

”>” makes block quotes. This list so far is block quotes.

  • ”+”, “*”, and “-“ make unordered lists. They are interchangable.
  1. “1.” makes an ordered list
  2. Here is ordered list “2.”
  3. The syntax to make a link is “[name of link]” immediately folled by “(”.
  4. The tag to highlight a folder is “`”.
  5. A horizontal rule is “—-“ on a single line.
  6. Emphasis is done with one or two asteriks.
  7. Image tags are like this: 5th Grade Basketball !”[]”(

Mac Tipsheet

  1. three finger swipe toggles through all full screen applications.
  2. Cmd / Tab / (Shift)
  3. shell to open as finder folder “Open .” toggle through open applications.

Pry Tipsheet

Pry Pry is a REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)

#commands in pry shell show-method pry

#invoke pry from command line ruby -r pry file.rb.

#insert into file.rb binding.pry

#access to variables by typing variables

#advance to next binding

D #when writing a script in the command line show-input amend-line edit #opens a browser (currently emacs) #replay history hist #use “u” and “d” and vi commands, search with “/“, advance “n" hist —tail 10 hist —replay 216..224 #reruns the script hist -n #use to view without numbers. useful for cut paste code #play files and methods as inputs load ‘file.rb’ play 5 #executes line 5 of program file.rb play 5..7 #executes multiple lines Rails Tipsheet -------------- 1. **generic scaffold command** rails generate scaffold Opportunity opportunity:text agency:string opp_type:string post_date:date response_date:date link:string comments:text like:integer 2. **generic migration command** rails generate migration add_values_to_opportunity type:string priority:integer 3. tail -f log/development.log #shows your rails logs in a console shell 4. has_many, through rails generate model FaVpr functional_area_id:integer vpr_id:integer models: fa_vpr.rb has_many :vprs, has_many :functional_areas vpr.rb has_many :functional_areas, through: :fa_vpr in the console, call by vpr_functional_area_ids Rake Tips --------- 1. rake db:reset #combo command means...rake db:drop and db:schema:load or rake db:migrate 2. rake db:rollback STEP=1 #goes back one migration. useful if you are maintaining tables via migration scripts. Ruby Tipsheet -------------- #if my_array is nil, create a new array my_array ||= [] #Blocks, Procs, Lambdas A block is code you can store in a variable like any other object and run on demand. A block is like a method that is not associated with any object *addition = lambda {|a, b| return a + b }* ++Scope++ is the context which its visible to the program. from [Codeschool]( # $global_var, @@class_var, @instance_var
class Now
  $place = "Indiana" #global variable
  @@here = {hello: "Hello, fishers"} #class variable

  def who(name, occupation)
    @name = name
    @occupation = occupation

  def current_user
  def self.display_here

  matt"Matt", "Lumberjack")
  puts  #call instance var
  puts $place  #global, access directly
  puts Now.display_here  #class var belong to the class
++Namespacing++ is the act of keep methods and constants in named spaces. ++::++ This is a scope resolution operator. It states where you are looking for code. ++self++ refers to the current object. Sublime Tipsheet ----------------